EO 13148 Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management  

Archive (Canceled)
Change Notice: 

Revoked by Executive Order 13423, January 24, 2007

Executive Order 13148 Greening the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management requires the head of each Federal agency to ensure that all necessary actions are taken to integrate environmental accountability into agency day-to-day decision-making and long-term planning processes - across all missions, activities, and functions.

EO 13148 revokes all or part of EOs 12843, 12856, 12969 and 12088 but does not eliminate existing obligations under the EPCRA, the Pollution Prevention Act or the Clean Air Act. Significant new requirements include:

  • Implementing installation EMSs, which may require substantial revision of Army policies, and auditing performance by Dec. 31, 2005
  • Reducing EPCRA TRI releases and transfers for treatment by 40 percent by 2006
  • With the Environmental Protection Agency, revising EPCRA TRI reporting exemptions to cause reporting of a substantial amount of chemical release
  • Identifying and reducing chemical use of 15 priority chemicals by 50 percent by 2006
  • Revising installation pollution prevention plans to include EO requirements by March 31, 2002.

For additional information, see the National Archives and Records Administration
